Medicare Cuts and Changes for 2022
Starting January 2022, New Motion will be moving to a 45-minute appointment model instead of the 60-minute appointments we have been used to. This is made necessary by Medicare’s planned cuts to our payments, which will make for 2 years in a row of reducing payments. These cuts, on top other increasing costs, make this change necessary to allow us to continue operating.
Although this will be an adjustment, I am confident that the outstanding group of PTs at New Motion will be able to continue providing you with the exceptional care the community has come to know us for the past 20+ years. A positive side for this change is that the new model will allow us to offer more available appointments, which should allow for easier patient scheduling than we can currently offer. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at the clinic at 206-842-2428.
If you would like to support your Physical Therapist, we encourage you to contact your legislators below to encourage them to allocate funds needed to avoid cutting our pay.
Luke Preble, PT, DPT, OCS
Owner of New Motion Physical Therapy
Our US Legislators
Derek Kilmer
Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray